Mission Statement
Cintec™ worldwide recognizes and respects the feelings of local communities in respect to what they regard as Heritage or Historic buildings and structures, whether or not the buildings/structures are formally designated as such. To this end Cintec™ works to the guidelines of the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Rehabilitations, the UK Memorandum of Understanding on Maintaining Standards and Best Practice in the Built Heritage Sector in England, the principles of the Venice Charter of 1964 and the Burra Charter of 1979
Overview of Heritage Work
Cintec™ recognizes that conservation and restoration of historic buildings and structures require a particularly sensitive approach, especially when tackling structural issues. Any structural intervention has to make a minimal impact on the fabric of the building, preferably be reversible, and, at the same time, avoid making any visible alteration.
By working closely with all parties with an interest in historical or heritage projects, Cintec™ designs anchoring systems that offer the least intervention available in most cases where the alternative would be to dismantle and rebuild a structure.
In keeping with the UK Memorandum of Understanding on Maintaining Standards and Best Practice in the Built Heritage Sector in England, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Rehabilitations, the principles of the Venice Charter of 1964 and the Burra Charter of 1979, Cintec™ promotes:
- the sustainable use of traditional building materials and appropriate repair and maintenance
- the highest standards of design, management, supervision and workmanship in all built heritage conservation, repair and maintenance contracts
- the appointment of knowledgeable, qualified and experienced sector professionals and contractors/craftspeople for all of pre-1919 building projects in England
- a sustainable approach throughout a project that protects against or mitigates the effects of climate change